Help your neighbors have an abundant holiday

Fareground is partnering with businesses, nonprofits, farms, and individuals to provide groceries for 300 families’ holiday meals this November. You can help us meet our goal.

Please consider donating any of the following items:

* Turkey breasts, small turkeys
* Hams
* Canned pumpkin/sweet potatoes/yams
* Vegan entrees
* Cranberries/cranberry sauce
* Sugar
* Stuffing mix
* Broth
* Rolled oats
* Butter
* Condensed milk
* Onions
* Winter squash
* Potatoes
* Sweet potatoes
* Lettuce
* Greens
* Herbs (parsley, thyme, rosemary, sage)
* Lemons
* Shelf-stable pie crusts
* Carrots

If you operate a farm and would like to donate produce, please call, email, or message us.

If you have other ideas for how you can help, please get in touch!

You can also donate funds for these holiday groceries at Any amount helps.

We have already received pledges from the following partners:

* Common Ground Farm
* Field and Larder Farm
* Eden Village